Mustafa Sert is an associate professor of computer engineering in the Department of Computer Engineering at Başkent University. His research and teaching interests are in the areas of audio signal processing, machine learning, semantic multimedia, and SWE. In particular, his expertise includes deep learning, language-based audio analysis, speech processing, acoustic pattern recognition, audio-video content understanding, and multimodality (research).

Mustafa Sert is the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Başkent University. He has served as an administrative board member of the Distance Education Center (BUZEM) since 2011 and as a board member of the Faculty of Engineering since 2021. He previously served as the vice-chairman of the Department of Computer Engineering (2008-2012), a faculty administrative board member of the Faculty of Engineering (2008-2021), and as a board member of Kazan Vocational School (2018-2022) and the Anadolu O.S.B. Vocational School (2020-2021).

He serves on the technical reviewing and organizing committees of several international conferences, including IEEE ICCE (2022-), IEEE ICME (2019-), VLDB 2012, FUZZ-IEEE (2015-), ACM MM (2019-), IEEE ISM (2008-), and ACM MMM. He is also a reviewer for top-tier journals such as IEEE/ACM TASLP, IEEE SPL, Springer MTAP, Springer SIVP, IEEE TII, IEEE Access, IEEE TFS, IEEE TMM, and IEEE TPAMI.

Dr. Sert has received recognitions for his contributions to academia, including a best paper award in the 7th Eurasian Congress on Emergency Medicine 2021, two Outstanding Reviewer Awards from IEEE ICME (2020, 2021) and the Outstanding Area Chair Award from ACM Multimedia (2024). He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, the IEEE Computer Society, the IEEE Consumer Technology Society, and the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He is also a member of the Technical Communities on Computer Communications (TCCC), Multimedia Computing (TCMC), and Semantic Computing (TCSEM). Additionally, he has been selected for the technical committees of IEEE CTSoc’s Audio/Video Systems and Signal Processing (AVS), Consumer Communications Networks and Connectivity (CCN), and Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and AI in Consumer Electronics (MDA).

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